Music Distribution

Through our partnerships, we distribute to all of the popular streaming sites and many more. Our reach includes all digital retailers (including iTunes, Spotify, Tidal, Playster, etc.), Social Media platforms (Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, etc.), radio stations, (SiriusXM, iHeart Radio, Slacker, etc.), Jukeboxes (AMI, Touchtunes, Rockbot, Electrick Jukebox, etc.). Plus outlets like Soundexchange (digital performance royalties), Gracenote (media ID), physical stores and venues (LiveNation, Billboard, Neurotic Media, etc.) Freegal (libraries), Tesla Cars, Shazam (music discovery), Fingerprinting/Content ID (YouTube, Soundcloud), and hundreds more!

What Separates Us from Other Digital Distributers

“There are a few ‘do-it-yourself’ distribution outlets, but due to their limited reach, repetitive fees, and the lack of customer service, the artists get frustrated pretty quickly.  Although we are selective who we choose to distribute, we do help propel our artists by the use of our outlets to get them the maximum reach”, says CEO/Founder Rob Schwartz.
WHO?MAG Distribution is very different from companies like Tunecore, CD Baby, and Distrokid. These “Do-It-Yourself” solutions are great if you have no better options and have no interests from a larger distributor like us. While the “Do-It-Yourself” companies pick up basically every project, no matter the quality, we actually listen to our submissions and are selective of which projects we want to be associated with our brands. We do not base our selection based off of your budget like other major distributors, but we do have 3 main features that determine if we are willing to work with you.
If selected, we will contact you and work on the next step.  We do not advertise our company. Majority of our clients are referrals and repeat customers.  We have an impeccable reputation and work very hard with our clients to maintain that

Here are some of the benefits you get from being distributed by WHO?MAG Distribution.